Learn The Art of Moving with Osteoporosis & Osteoarthritis
These two conditions have different treatments, and often people can have both. However good posture and diet with natural movement can...
In honour and respect to our movement teacher Ruthy Alon
I hold you close to my heart Ruthy Alon, as you begin to enter your next journey. I acknowledge your Graciousness, wisdom, knowledge,...
Researchers find method to regrow cartilage in the joints
By CHRISTOPHER VAUGHAN Christopher Vaughan is the communications manager for the Stanford Institute for Stem Cell Biology and...
How To Actually Reduce Your Chances Of Lower Back Pain
An article by Krista Soriano - October 16, 2019 from The Art of Healing magazine This article talks about the imperative of learning to...
Engaging the Shoulder Girdle - Sat 3rd at 1-5pm
In Jenny's next workshop at WeMove Mullumbimby she will explore the shoulder girdle. Many people carry the weight of the world on their...
The Pelvic Floor
Since becoming an adult, it’s been impossible to avoid hearing about the importance of a strong pelvic floor. I’ve probably stumbled upon...
Degenerative Disc Disease - by Kim Wise.
The histogenesis of bone which is the differentiation of cells into specialized tissues and organs during growth; is a fascinating study...
Feldenkrais - WHAT?
By Lawrence Wm. Goldfarb, CFT, Ph.D. This is an excerpt from an interview with Larry Goldfarb. (edited by Jennifer Groves)....
The Imposter Syndrome
Does this sound a familiar headspace to you? It can affect anyone at any time and this inner saboteur sits across all types of...
Testimonial - Somatic Core Stability.
"I went to see Jennifer about my incontinence, she was quick and accurate to detect the causes. I applied the techniques suggested with...