The effectiveness of Core Stability & Somatic Work.
Below is a testimonial of the stabilising core work that I am playing with. I use the intra abdominal stabilising work of Julie Peck and...

Will practising a skill in your head make you better at it.
I found this article on Feldenkrais Practitioners Around the World facebook group. Deborah Lotus wrote this and I thought it was too good...
I pulled this article from a facebook group School for F.M. Alexander Studies. Ria Soemardjo posted this beautiful post. Which so aptly...

Why Most Doctors Are Dead Wrong About Osteoporosis
An article in February 15th, 2018 By Sayer Ji

Why it's important for all of us to fail
FEBRUARY 3 2018 - written by Ray Steinwall Here is an article I found in this weekends Melbourne Age newspaper. The author is Ray...

Demystifying Osteoarthritis and it’s Billion Dollar Industry.
Here is a wonderful article that Kim Wise from Coffs Harbour wrote a few years back. It is well work worth a read. Imagine if there were...

The New York Times - by Christopher F. Schuetzejan Feb 2018.
LEUSDEN, Netherlands — The shouts of schoolchildren playing outside echoed through the gymnasium where an obstacle course was being set...

The $100 Billion per year Back Pain Industry is Mostly a Hoax.
I pulled this article off Cynthia Allen's post on Better Back Facebook group. I just love this link from Cynthia's Facebook page. One...

Wearing High Heels v Flat Shoes.
I pulled these stills from a short video in Spanish. I like these images which clearly show how high heels damage not only the bones in...

How back MRI results are misleading you
I have attached a wonderful article written by one of my colleagues Cynthia Allen, it is so worth sharing. https://futurelifenow-online....