"Bridge of the Foot" a Bones for Life process.
A student demonstrating his walking pattern pre and post a Bones for Life private lesson. It is quite remarkable witnessing the change...

Demystifying Osteoarthritis and it’s Billion Dollar Industry.
I am posting a wonderful article written by Kim Wise, 8th April, 2016. Imagine if there were an obvious (yet elusive) and simple...

Movement Intelligence - Solutions Seoul
Students demonstrate in pairs a supported squat to stand. #Trainings #MovementIntelligence #Rhythm #MovementSolutions

The Tiger Walk - learn how move like a tiger in the Movement Intelligence program coming soon to Bri
A student demonstrating The Tiger Walk - Solutions training Seoul 2016. Developing a soft, strong pliable spine is one of the...

Weekend Closure
A wonderful weekend all around at the recent Australian Feldenkrais Guild conference in Brisbane. With a visitors from Nth America and...

Walking On All Fours
Dr. Ruthy Alon at 87 demonstrating walking on all fours - Movement Intelligence Solutions training Seoul 2016. "There is no pill for...

Thoracic Lift With Movement - the final piece.
Dr. Ruthy Alon demonstrating the final move witch integrates this action into the nervous system. At 87 Ruthy is a force to reckoned...

Mobilizing The Thoracic.
Dr. Ruthy Alon demonstrating the first part of Mobilizing The Thoracic. A wonderful move for that often still upper part of the back. ...

Dr. Ruthy Alon and The Thoracic Lift
Dr. Ruthy Alon demonstrating and teaching the Thoracic Lift - Two Hands. One of the processes in the Movement Intelligence Solutions...

"Curiosity killed the cat" and cats have "nine lives". Explore, move and play like our fearless friends and enjoy a more expansive...