Degenerative Disc Disease - by Kim Wise.
The histogenesis of bone which is the differentiation of cells into specialized tissues and organs during growth; is a fascinating study...
Sphincter/Ring Muscle workshop with Jenny
SPHINCTER WORKSHOP with Jennifer Groves - Sat 3rd August 9am-1pm at WeMove Studio Mullumbimby Movement...
Spiralling the Arms for Thoracic Empowerment with Jennifer Groves. Movement Intelligence workshop.
Moving with Movement Intelligence - spiralling the arms for releasing the neck and thoracic.
Feldenkrais - WHAT?
By Lawrence Wm. Goldfarb, CFT, Ph.D. This is an excerpt from an interview with Larry Goldfarb. (edited by Jennifer Groves)....
This Day in Jewish History
Moshe Feldenkrais as a young man