Bones For Life

One on One's

Following an individual posture assessment, clients are guided through a Movement Intelligence process in response to client feedback.
These individual sessions address issues such as: muscular skeletal conditions, osteo arthritis, impaired balance, core stability and sports injuries. Clients explore alternative options of postural and movement choices.
Follow-up activities are given for the client to practice and consolidate in their own home.

​​1.5 hour class

Consists of specific movement processes to awaken and enliven the body and develop postural integrity, flexibility and stability. This is achieved through rhythm and isometric pressure that is carried forward into walking, running on the spot and bouncing on the heels. Bones for Life employs external surfaces such as the floor, walls, chairs, 500 gm weights and the 7 metre wrap (which provides a stabilising exoskeleton), to enhance all functional movement.

Zoom and Skype Consults

We offer private sessions using digital platforms for those unable to attend face to face classes!
Movement Intelligence personal training, in your home/office. We offer you personal routines tailor made to you.
Skype sessions requirements:
private space
reliable internet
Bones for Life wrap
Zoom and Skype Consults

We offer private sessions using digital platforms for those unable to attend face to face classes!
Movement Intelligence personal training, in your home/office. We offer you personal routines tailor made to you.
Skype sessions requirements:
private space
reliable internet
Bones for Life wrap