Bones for Life Brisbane - "bouncing on the heels".
Bones for Life "bouncing on the heels". Alexander Alexandrovich Mikulin - a Russian aircraft engineer discovered "vibro gymnastics". A...

Bones for Life Brisbane -"Engaging the Lumbar".
BONES FOR LIFE - Brisbane workshop/training March 2018. The "support reflex", enables the lumbar to engage power from behind. An...

Restoring Ankle Flexibility
#Workshop #MovementIntelligence #WalkForLife

2018 Bones for Life workshops - Brisbane
The Bones for Life wrap. Would you like to have a posture like this and learn to be pain free and age with grace? Yes, you can learn...

Bones for Life Explained
I am reposting this video again due to the Bones for Life training in Brisbane this year. It gives a short and succinct explanation of...

Walk for Life - 27th Jan Mullumbimby.
Ruthy Alon's Walk for Life program is simply brilliant. We will have a fun day with walking poles exploring many variations, creating...

The New York Times - by Christopher F. Schuetzejan Feb 2018.
LEUSDEN, Netherlands — The shouts of schoolchildren playing outside echoed through the gymnasium where an obstacle course was being set...

Tuning up the Sphincters.
A short video from the recent November Sphincter workshop in Mullumbimby. A variation of the Bow & Arrow process from the Solutions Two...

Sphincters & Core Stability .
Cathryn demonstrates recruiting her intra-abdominal pressure via the sphincters, with a "Sh" sound. A wonderful way to to stimulate core...

The Sphincters - and pelvic floor tone.
Here you see the students in the November Movement-Intelligence Sphincter workshop engaging the sphincters for stability and tone with...