Brunswick Heads beach walk
Misty morning walk on Brunswick beach. Movement is life, life is rhythm, enjoy the moment each step that you take. #MovementIntelligence...

Before & After
Before and after a private Movement Intelligence lesson. #MovementSolutions #MullumbimbyClasses #movement #Feldenkrais

The Sphincters - and pelvic floor tone.
Here you see the students in the November Movement-Intelligence Sphincter workshop engaging the sphincters for stability and tone with...

The Sphincters - releasing the diaphragm.
November Sphincter Day - Mullumbimby. Here you see Marlene using a Bones for Life wrap held snuggly around her floating ribs. Exploring...

The $100 Billion per year Back Pain Industry is Mostly a Hoax.
I pulled this article off Cynthia Allen's post on Better Back Facebook group. I just love this link from Cynthia's Facebook page. One...

The Tiger Walk - Demo on a Chair.
Jenny demonstrates an adaptation of the Bones for Life process "The Tiger Walk". This is an option for students who find being on all...

From Lying to Sitting - a Bones for Life process.
#Workshop #MovementIntelligence #Trainings #BonesForLife #movement #Feldenkrais

Mullumbimby's Magic by Sharon Shostak
Sharon Shostak "has been nose-to-the-grindstone with for the past year". Now this documentary is ready to be shared with the world. ...

Bones for Life - Roman Sandals with roller.
Lorraine wears orthotics for her flat feet. Here you see her practising the Bones for Life - Roman Sandals process with a small roller...

Axis & Wave moves into Belly Dancing.
Cathryn McCormack so beautifully demonstrates moving from the organisation of finding an axial line into a wave pattern. Shot in the...